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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: WCS - Replies
From: robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN)
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Date: Tue, 13 Jun 95 08:47:00 -0500
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The number of posts to this list about my "first impressions" were
staggering, considering is it just two days after the post. This tells
me that there is a very high interest level on this echo. Ok, ok, I
will start to post more "snippits" of info here as I learn the program.
I must warn you though, not only is the learning curve steep, my
schedule is at peak season (damn event video...Can't wait to give it up)
and my time is spread very thin... So MY learning curve is to even
Jamie, If you have the time / interest... Start knocking on the doors
of some more software developers. Your skills could benefit both the
developer and their users ;) Thank you for making a coooool program
even cooler ;))
The software retails for about $250 and is worth every penny. With
professional untilities selling for that, I am both amazed and thankful
that it is so affordable. Developers like Questar will be key in
revitalizing the Amiga platform. Escom is only one half the story ;)
Questar's email address is garhuber@burner.com. (Gary, it looks as
though you will have to start checking your email a bit more often ;))
Their phone number is (303) 659-4028. (Very knowledgable tech support)
My email address is robert.cohen@njland.com. I have no problems with
people contacting me for information, but honestly speaking... I don't
think I'll be of too much help (for a few months, anyway). But drop a
post anyway. I think a thread or two for us WCS users would be a very
good thing. And... I am sure that Jamie Krutz will be more than happy
to offer his words of wisdom. He is on board expert, as he "wrote the
book" on the subject ;)
Again...Thanks for all the replies. Let's keep the thread goin.....
Until Next Time. . .
robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN) sent this message.
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